
[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1509374192719{padding-top: 10% !important;padding-bottom: 10% !important;}”][vc_column css_animation=”fadeInUp” width=”1/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Fitness means something different after 40…” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:38|text_align:left|color:%231e73be|line_height:45px” use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_class=”font_weight_700″][/vc_column][vc_column css_animation=”fadeInDown” width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]TIME…….. you know how you get to the end of the day and you have no energy to do anything. Whether you have kids to attend to, or your work follows you home, or both.  To make matters worse our current lifestyle leads to over indulgence in food or other distractions. These distractions tend to snowball into an even bigger energy debt and leaves us every night with a to do list that is bigger and bigger.  We ALL want to be healthy at this age, however, we are always fighting the clock.  If by some miracle, you find 2 hours a day to workout, you are unsure what to do or how to do it.

I do all of the thinking and planning for you.  If you can give me 3 songs worth of time a day, I can get you fitter than you think is possible.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column css_animation=”fadeInUp” width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]So you decide to start a fitness program and you’re 40 years old  or older.  Current popular programs lasts about 45 minutes to an hour and a half (FYI you don’t have that amount of time).  This can get you fit, however, the problem with that is you won’t be consistent long term for various reasons.  That’s reality. How do I know that?  I have been in the fitness industry for almost 20 years and have seen it time and time again.  If you are like me, you need something that works and can be done relatively quick.

If you are trying to bench 400 pounds or deadlift 500 pounds or have any interest in walking on your hands for 100 feet, this is NOT the program for you!!

If you have limited time, but are still interested in being fit, you will appreciate and become addicted to this style of training.

YOU are the reason I created this workout program.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column css_animation=”slideInUp”][layerslider_vc id=”5″][vc_custom_heading text=”Testimonials” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:28|text_align:center|color:%231e73be|line_height:45px” use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_class=”font_weight_700″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/6″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″]

Sheila Barden

I first met this amazing athlete when she was plagued by a herniated disc and wasn't able to train for the past 6 weeks. We started the rehab path and I got her back into complete physical ability in all ranges of motion. Then it was game on and I programmed her strength and conditioning for the following yearsssss...That led us to the CrossFit Games 2 times. It should have been a third trip but we missed by 1 rep...It wasn't for lack of heart, sometimes that's the way it goes. To perform at that level takes a committed athlete and for the coach it takes a depth of knowledge and understanding of proper implementation that takes years as in many to develop. To make it to this level of competence for a coach or athlete is something very few have been able to be blessed to have accomplished. 

As a product of Josh's' training and a member of the Exercise Science community, I endorse the work Josh is delivering in this program.

From 2011-2013 Josh designed my workouts in order for me to participate in CrossFit competitively. During this time, I saw results that I never thought to be possible for an individual of my size and training background (i.e., strength, endurance, body fat…). The time I spent being trained by Josh was perhaps the most efficient in terms of duration (most bang for your buck), which was necessary for someone having a graduate student work load.

I have since graduated and become a full-time professor in Exercise Science and truly believe that one of the most important aspects to exercise programming and adherence is efficiency.

Currently my lab examines the benefits of time-efficient short duration exercise programs, which is a programming style that Josh has perfected. If your looking to improve your overall quality of life take advantage of Josh’s exercise programming and the years of knowledge he draws from to create such an efficient design.


53 year old professional and MOM of two daughters

I have been involved in fitness my whole life but have recently found that it has been harder and harder for me to over the past few years, I have done online challenge groups and have consulted nutrition coaches in an effort to get me motivated to reach my goal of losing fat and building lean muscle.  While I was able to achieve certain results, I did so only for short periods of time as those programs weren’t realistic nor something I could sustain.  Either the workouts were too long and hard or the diets too strict to maintain long term. However, in the short time I have been working with Josh, I have lost those extra pounds I have been carrying for a while and have converted that loss into lean muscle gain.

This program is different from all the others in it takes out all the fluff.  It is perfect for my busy lifestyle. Although I have only been on this program for 6 weeks, I have found the nutrition component very satisfying and sustainable as well. 

Never have I seen faster results in my 20+ years of exercising than I have throughout this past year. I have tried every type of workout there is and even had a personal trainer for a while.. No matter what I did I always seemed to be fighting an uphill battle until I found this program. Every other program was just not something that would either keep my interest or give me the results I was looking for. That is until I found this program. When I first discussed this with Josh I didn't really believe it was a possibility that workouts are only 3 Songs  (or approx. 9 min.) a day. This program and diet plan has transformed my body almost unbelievably....People who see me regularly won't stop asking me what I am doing - its really unbelievable. My friends can't believe I only train 9 minutes a day and look like I do......I can't believe it....I was always told I need to train 1 hour a day and make sure you include cardio in there.... No way.... I literally set my clock to 9 min and when that alarm goes off I am done for the day....So productive... and to be honest with you I really don't have much more time than that...I would highly recommend anyone who is interested in training smarter and being able to finally feel fit to follow this program. You can't lose...I am hooked for life, it is that addicting.

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Level 1

I want access to daily workouts…
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Level 2

View Daily workouts and receive a full movement assessment monthly and discuss any issue you may have or how to increase intensity….
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Personal Coaching session

1 on 1 coaching session for immediate progress
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As with any fitness program you should consult your doctor prior to starting this or any fitness program.

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Let's Start!

You have tried everything else, you don't have the time to train to be an Olympic athlete but your ready to really make a change that you know is past due.
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Find Energy With Food

Add nutrition to your program and see how you can go from no energy to high energy just by adjusting your caloric intake.
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Motivational Music

The basis behind this program is how music plays into your workouts. The use of 3 songs is how your workout will be timed.
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Programming That Works

If you are looking to invest in yourself… register now! Let’s be real!  If you are not the person that is generally motivated, then this is a great way to kick start your fitness program in only 3 songs.
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Experienced Trainer

I have taken my knowledge of the past 18 years of coaching people and designed a program just for you!

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3 Songs and done

Time is against us as we age. We have 9 min a day to workout but you don’t have the time to get ready, go to the gym, and get started on some haphazard program with minimal results.
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Workout at Home

Why would you drive to the gym and and waste more time?  Wake up and perform all of your workouts in your own home with almost no equipment!